Logo Design
I help design logos that are unique to your company’s specific need. Logo design is one of the most crucial parts of your brand image. It is the single unique identifier that customers should associate with only your brand, and in a lot of cases, it will be a prospects first impression of your business. It is essential to have a logo that uniquely fits your business.
The logo design process
I first want to say that every project is unique and that this process flexible depending on the project but I like to keep the process in moving along a defined path to ensure the best end result.
The creative process can sometimes sound like a mysterious art, but it is far from it. The creative process for design is faaaaaaaaar from art. It is a procedure routed in logical decisions to achieve a desired visual representation of your company.-
Discovery session
- The first phase of the logo design process is a phone conversation where we will define what your company stands for, the overall mood of your company, and what you are trying to achieve with your company’s image.
Defining a path
- I want to make sure that the we are on the right track from the beginning. To do that, the next step will be either a phone call, skype, or Google Hangouts session where we can go over a mood board that has been created from your feedback on in our discovery session. This helps to us define a general direction of what the desired end result will be by letting us analyze the visual elements that are allowing the examples in the mood board to achieve a similar goal with their company image and how to differentiate your logo from your competitors.
Round 1 of design
- I will present three basic concepts that may vary from sketches to low resolution layouts of a design to show a few different directions that would work to achieve your companies identity goals. These concepts are typically in black and white to ensure we are defining a functional design direction before diving into color. In our conversation we will narrow it down to one of these logos concepts to move forward with along with any additional insight and changes into the direction of the logo.
Round 2 of design
- This is where the logo will start to come to life. I will provide a few variations of the logo after having implemented what we discussed in round 1. This is typically where we get into the color scheme of the logo. From here we will discuss any adjustments that need to be made prior to finalizing the logo.
Round 3 (Finalizing design files)
- This part of the process will be where I finalize the design with any edits made from the previous version and request your final approval of the design. After your final approval I will create all the required deliverables defined in at the beginning of the project.
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