How to fix Facebook link share showing an old image

If you are trying to post a link to your website on Facebook, and it is showing the wrong image, you have come to the right place! What you need to do is to tell Facebook that they need to rescan your site for new information.

Steps to fix Facebook post showing the WRONG featured image (No coding required!)

  1. Go to Facebook’s debugger tool at Copy and paste the link you want to share on Facebook into the Debugger Tool and click Debug
  2. Check to make sure it is showing the updated image in the link preview.
  3. Go back to Facebook and paste your link into a new post.
  4. Done! Your post should now be showing your updated image. 

Tip 1:

Sometimes the debugger tool will grab the wrong information again, wait a few minutes and try it again. This can be because of cache setting on your website.

Tip 2:

Tip 2: If you have an old link post that has an image with an issue in it or if you want to freshen up the image of a post to help it get traction, this process can also be used to update your old post. If you update the featured image or OG (Open Graph) meta image on a webpage and run the Facebook debugger tool on the URL of that page, the image on previous posts will update to your new image.

Why is Facebook showing an old thumbnail image?

If Facebook is showing an old image from your webpage when you try to make a post, it is because Facebook caches (saves) information from your website periodically. If your site as every been linked to from Facebook in the past, Facebook will save information it gathers from your site like page titles, descriptions, and images for future use. Facebook will periodically rescan and update this information, but unfortunately, that is convenient for you as a business that is trying to push out a time-sensitive post. When you follow the steps above your are essentially telling Facebook “I’ve got new stuff here, look at it!”.

